Monday, January 09, 2006

Everyday someone has asked me if Charlotte North Carolina is inexpensive to live in. I always have to stop and think, "what is inexpensive?" I wish I could live without a mortgage payment but with rent payments reaching the $700 to $1500 dollar marks in the good areas I understand the question people ask. Here is what I tell people. "Live below your means". No matter what you can afford. This way you can improve your property and make it more valuable. I ran a report today based on $75K to $100K, 3 bedroom and 2 bath house with a min of 1800 square feet of space. Here are the results for the Charlotte area and surrounding counties.

26 homes - including single family and mobile homes.

average home with this description is $88K

The average home with this description has 4 bedrooms

There were 4 homes in the Charlotte proper

Most were in the suburbs and surrounding counties other than Charlotte.

More than half were not mobile homes.

So basically, the answer to the question is yes you can live inexpensively in the Charlotte area if you try.


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